Non è difficile… scegliere di ascoltare e di guardare.

Se davvero non si vuole nè ascoltare, nè guardare.. perchè indugiare?

Over on the hill
There grows a flower
Growing quicker still
More perfect by the hour
Deep within that flower
Is a tiny chair
All a-fringed with gold
The fairy queen sits there…

It is in her breath
That the wind does blow
It is in her heart
As pure as winter snow
It is in her tears
Crystal raindrops fall
And within her years
That she is in us all…

*Oh dark eyes
Help me see
Just one look
She is gone
Look on me
We are one
Fading with the setting sun…

As the willow bows
To her majesty
All the forest flowers
Love her mystery
Who would not admire
Who could not adore
Who does not desire
Who wishes to see more?

Appunto.. questa è anche per me XD

There are shadows in the sky
Dancing in the air
Calling to my heart
Saying, “If you dare,
We’re running fast
We’re running far
Trying to catch the morning star…”
And time and space
Our only sheild
keeping secrets
Falling night
Breathes in the dark
Trying to catch the morning star…

I can fly through my mind when I see them as they shine
Can it be so hard to try and charm the elusive morning star…

So within the chase
We soon will find
The light of the moon
those left behind
Try to free the gypsy in their hearts
By trying to catch the morning star…

Now that the time
Has come and gone
Illusion has past
And we’re on our own
Know the dream is never far
When trying to catch the morning star…